ISRP 1999 abstract

Presenter/author Title Abstract

Kovac, John G.
Kravitz, J. H.
Rehak, T. R.

NIOSH Pittsburgh Research Laboratory
P.O. Box 18070
Pittsburgh, PA 15236

The Oxygen Cost of a Mine Escape

The objective of this study was to develop a practical method for planning a mine escape when miners must evacuate while wearing a Self-Contained Self-Rescuer (SCSR).

In-mine data was gathered on escape times, distances and heart rates using miners making simulated escapes on foot and under oxygen from the deepest point of penetration in the mine to the surface.  Factors such as: body weight, escape distance and grade, condition and height of the escape way and the effect of wearing an SCSR were studied.

The results of this investigation are a scientific definition of a mine escape, providing both the content and context for designing new testing and approval standards for SCSR’s used in mine emergencies.